Premium Glow Plug Harness

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Regular price €135,95 EUR

Product details

  • Vendor Quadstar Tuning

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Quadstar's upgraded, replacement glow plug wiring harness for all  6.2L and 6.5L diesels.

    • 12ga high temp wire, all protected by fusible links and heat shield
    • Longer length to allow better routing like GM did on later models
      • The passenger side wires route across or under the intake, in front of the cylinder head, then back to the glow plugs.
    • Eliminates the small extensions the factory used on passenger side wires

    Our harness is universal to fit the following models:

    • 1996 and earlier (some early 1997 models) With one connection that needs spliced to trigger the glow plug light. It is on the drivers side bank of wires and is usually orange.  You'll fish this out of the factory wiring when removing the old harness.
    • 1997+ With a plug-in trigger wire at the engine harness bulkhead, under the fuel filter manager. No splicing required.